Contact Dead Ahead concept art

This is my concept art for the milsim Contact Dead Ahead. It is a military simulation where you can play as either a human or a furry soldier in the army of your preferred history or fiction.

Of course it is a player versus AI simulation so you have to work together with your players when fighting against AI NPCs.

There vehicles like ships,planes,helicopters,tanks and many more including spaceships, starfighters and lots more.

Weapons can vary from science to real life based firearms, and you can customize your weapon for your own need.

Hope you have a good day.

With regard acecombat606.


The art is very basic and hand-drawn, but it still looks alright. You should make the text normal computer-typed text, instead of hand-written. It would look way better.

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I will delete the hand written art and replace it with the new typed art. Is that ok for you?

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i’m late, but uhh

the background looks hand-drawn, i’m assuming you have a tool that lets you draw straight like use that and you can fill it in with the bucket tool. also how does this background even go with your game?

there is no character so i dont see how people will find that appealing, and it’s shaped weirdly and doesn’t look like roblox. it is also very very very VERY hand drawn and kind of… not great?

the text. THE TEXT!!! it looks kind of basic and not very professional, and the white outline makes it look weird. id recommend using a different font instead of arial because arial is kinda bad imo, for example gotham or roboto: also make the text bigger.

you should have a logo for your game instead of text because it will make your game more recognizable, and speaking of recognizable i can’t really tell what the game is about with this art. it should represent your game instead of whatever this is??

you can try to get a commission for yo thumbnail because this is not really great.

yea that’s all i got

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Sorry for this, I got a sort of sunset simplistic idea art to make a impression of the Roblox soldier (which in this art post is not a soldier), I made the background an sunset impression but haven’t got any experience with digital art skills and my problem with digital art is that I try to clear my head of ideas and concept arts that may bother my brain process.

But anyway what I said before, is that my info I give you should be taken with a large grain of salt. But I will keep your suggestion in mind.

Hope you have a good day.

alright, and sorry if i came off as rude

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It’s alright, nowadays I can take these criticisms with open minds and learn from these. No offense intended.

Hope you have a good day.

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