Content Distribution Disabled

Hello, my mod menu, the XTERMINATOR menu asset (free model) has been disabled by Roblox because it may “violate our Community Standards against Misusing Roblox Systems.”

I am not an exploiter (and you can’t even exploit using this because it uses require() and it needs to use the server); I create a mod menu for fun and have been making it for a year with multiple updates. I also use it for my admin game.

Now Roblox took it down. I re-uploaded it on a different account with modifications. I got rid of require()s and anything that can be violating. It still got taken down. I don’t know why it was taken down, I wish they would tell me what was violating the TOS. Also, I never got banned from those messages.

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Another day, another moderation dumpster fire. There’s really nothing much to do about this, unfortunately.

unless you want to appeal through the ever-feared Roblox Support

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Yes lol! I did contact them a while ago and I will summarize what they said: “F off” Also, there were some spelling mistakes and stuff that didn’t make any sense! So unprofessional!

Roblox, stop overworking and underpaying your moderators from India. Those moderators deserve to work somewhere else better than at rObLoX cOrPoRaTiOn. Please Roblox, fix your moderation!
Thank you for responding vapour!




Me and other small devs: Come Roblox. Ban the flipping games where children are getting groomed. My mod menu doesn’t come close to being that bad. Roblox likes to destroy the fun.

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Just wondering, does this include any depiction of blood? I remember the UTG incident where people got banned simply for having the GUI in their game

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There is one depiction of blood, it is when very hungry doges eat you alive. (it is just a particle emitter colored red.) That is the only depiction. I don’t think that is it though. I am going to release a new mod menu without any Roblox gears (before I had a lot and I tested to see if they did require()).