I want to make Content Provider work clearly.
So, I tried to test my game through the the Roblox, and saw issue:
ContentProvider stuck on SharedTableRegistry.
3. I’ve tried debbug, but sound like all works clearly.
It looks like it just won’t load. BUT in fact it loads perfect in Studio make this issue weird.
Here is the code:
local callback = function(assetId, assetFetchStatus)
print("PreloadAsync() resolved asset ID:", assetId)
print("PreloadAsync() final AssetFetchStatus:", assetFetchStatus)
local startTime = os.clock()
for i = 1, #Assets do
local asset = Assets[i]
local fill = UI:WaitForChild("Main"):WaitForChild("LoadingBar"):WaitForChild("Fill")
local loading = UI:WaitForChild("Main"):WaitForChild("LoadingBar"):WaitForChild("loading")
local yes = i
ContentProvider:PreloadAsync({asset}, callback)
loading.Text = `Asset preloading: {asset.Name}, {i} / {#Assets}`
fill.Size = UDim2.new(i/#Assets, 0, 1, 0)