Content provider won't work on meshes?

Emlo! Im making a loading screen for my upcoming game. I’ve done the Tweens, extra touches. Now all I have to do is make the loading screen load (Duh). So here’s what the code looks like.

--table of meshes/assets
local Assets = {
--the loop that does the loading
for i = 1, #Assets do
	local asset = Assets[i]
	AmountLoaded = i

The problem that i am encountering is, that there are tons of errors regarding the Content Provider service.

15:50:34.493 - ContentProvider:PreloadAsync() failed for rbxassetid://5199516808


Im pretty new to content provider service, so for those who know please elaborate, and explain properly! Thanks!

Does this have anyting to do with roblox being out?

Yikes, I’m a little late, but considering the amount of time that has passed, I suspect that solved this problem. Do you mind to tell me how? (If you abandoned this it’s ok.)

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I made the meshes instances, where in they are placed in RepStor then just loaded them using :PreloadAsync()

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