ContextActionService Button doesn't work, but the others do

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
    Make the Reload button work normally like the others.

  2. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
    For some obscure reason, the Reload button is simply ignored by ALL CAS functions, ignoring SetPosition, SetImage and even :UnbindAction, causing it to duplicate itself every time it is activated again.

Button without Image and without Text in the default position would be the Reload button:

  1. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
    I tried searching but either in different situations, or they were completely ignored
CAS:BindAction("Fire", handleAction, true, Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1, Enum.KeyCode.ButtonR2)
	CAS:BindAction("ADS", handleAction, true, Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2, Enum.KeyCode.ButtonL2) 
	CAS:BindAction("Reload", handleAction, true, gameRules.Reload, Enum.KeyCode.ButtonB)
	CAS:BindAction("CycleAimpart", handleAction, false, gameRules.SwitchSights)

	CAS:BindAction("CycleLaser", handleAction, false, gameRules.ToggleLaser)
	CAS:BindAction("CycleLight", handleAction, false, gameRules.ToggleLight)

	CAS:BindAction("CycleFiremode", handleAction, false, gameRules.FireMode)
	CAS:BindAction("CheckMag", handleAction, false, gameRules.CheckMag)

	CAS:BindAction("ZeroDown", handleAction, false, gameRules.ZeroDown)
	CAS:BindAction("ZeroUp", handleAction, false, gameRules.ZeroUp)

	CAS:BindAction("DropWeapon", handleAction, false, gameRules.DropGun)

	--Kairupu CAS Setup
	CAS:SetPosition("Fire",, 0,-0.125, 0))
	CAS:SetPosition("ADS",, 0,-0.125, 0))
	CAS:SetPosition("Reload",, 0,-0.483, 0))

Everything besides the Reload button works normally, and the Script completely ignores the existence of any bug and continues as if nothing had happened.

Things I noticed:

  • GetButton is returning Nil
  • The Button still works normally, you can still click and the function runs normally.

After some testing, I realized that it is not something specific to the RELOAD button, but rather the 8th or + button to be activated in the CAS

This was my first topic, please let me know if I did something wrong.