ContextActionService button is still alive wehn unbind and didnt show text

how do i fix this


I believe this Bug Reports - DevForum | Roblox is the correct catagory

sadly i’m new here then cant post and i need how to fix

No its Scripting Support category that is.

Bug reports is for bugs in Studio, Roblox Website, Avatar and other things not for peoples games

You are incorrect.

The error shows that he has an Action on key B is arleady bindend. However its not. its an bug with luau.

The problem is this…

It’ll be be something like

local Table = {}

Table.Q = function()

ContextActionService:BindAction(v, Table[v], true, Enum.KeyCode[v])

Not saying it is but something similar I think it is though I would have to try it myself
