Hi, i’m making multiple support for my movement system and im having a trouble with ContextActionService.
local ContextService = game:GetService("ContextActionService")
local function FireInput(actionName, inputStatus, _)
if inputStatus == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then
wait(0.5) -- Ensure UnbindAction's
ContextService:BindAction("jumpAct", FireInput, true, Enum.KeyCode.Space, Enum.KeyCode.ButtonA) -- ButtonA isnt getting recognized
All the keys binded to the jumpAct works fine, i also have other actions binded to controller inputs and they work fine too.
But if player presses ButtonA, contextService wont trigger it’s event, even though if the input is correctly recognized by UserInputService. On short terms, input is triggered and recognized correctly, but ContextService won’t trigger ButtonA for some reason