Controller L2/LT input registering incorrectly

In the video you can see that when pressing LT on my gamepad, sometimes input doesn’t register, players in my game are also facing the same issue, for now it was PC players with controller connected to it. It could probably happen with RT/R2 too, I’m assuming it has to do with how you press the button since it can be lightly pressed or go all the way, IsGamepadButtonDown also fails to recognize if the button is down or not when this bug happens, and can be replicated perfectly, just press the button in different patterns to see if it happens.

Repro file contains a LocalScript in StarterPack using InputService:
Input Repro.rbxl (55.1 KB)


Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.



Which gamepad controller are you using? What device are you testing on windows/mac/console?


From what I have been using to test this, I use an Xbox controller and this happens on Windows for me.

I tested with the Xbox Wireless Controller, on Windows 11

Is this a new issue or has this been happening for a while? I’m not noticing the behavior of input not being recognized at all.

I believe it started recently since this hasn’t been reported to me before

I’ve recorded another video displaying how another program detects the trigger being pressed correctly while on Studio it does not:

I’m just going to make a guess it’s how the trigger “delta” gets detected on Roblox?


This problem started very recently. It was reported on my server last night and seems to affect all types of controllers.


@i8cheese @RealDevPerfect

The change was reverted, please confirm that the triggers are working as intended again.



Seems to be working now, input drops normally again :ok_hand:


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