Controller won't vibrate

Hi everybody, I’ve been trying to get my controller to vibrate through a script but it wont work. I also checked if the controller has vibrations, and the script thinks it doesn’t even though it’s DualSense PS5 Controller which has haptic feedback.

This is the script I’ve been using to check, it’s basically the one from the Roblox documentation.

local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local hapticservice = game:GetService("HapticService")

local availableInputs = UserInputService:GetSupportedGamepadKeyCodes(Enum.UserInputType.Gamepad1)
local gamepad = Enum.UserInputType.Gamepad1

print("This controller supports the following controls:")
for _, control in availableInputs do


Is somebody able to explain why it’s returning false? Thanks.

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You said your controller does not support vibrations?

This could be because either your controller doesn’t support vibrating or isn’t supported through Roblox’s haptic service, you might want to look through documentation for more information

It does, sorry I misspelt what I said in the original post.

I’m certain the console has haptic feedback, and what’s weird is that the controller is listed on the documentation too. So I’m thinking that I’m doing something wrong in the script.

I could test my xbox controler with your code if you want

That would be helpful

i think this is enough char

I used your script with my xbox controller, worked fine

Did you connect the controller wirelessly or using a cable? Also I’m playing another game right now, the controller is vibrating just fine, so it’s roblox.


Ignore this extra sentence I had to add to be able to post this

If it’s a problem with roblox you might wanna make a post in a bugs category or reach out to roblox support
(roblox support might just give a robot response, has happened to me many times)

I’ll try do some more things to see if it can work, but thanks alot for your help I appreciate it.

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I’m not sure how, but I installed an app called DS4 windows. I’m not sure what it did but it fixed everything. The vibration works now and stuff.


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