Convert parts into terrain

Are you tired of having to convert parts into terrain by either tracing, scripting or just using a plugin that allows you to easily convert one part at a time into a terrain with selected material (no hate btw)?

Well, you’ve come to the right place as I’ve made a simple yet efficient module that allows you to do convert a selected folder or model into a terrain map with just 2 lines (or more, gotta add the ConvertAll function)!


Not exactly fast, but it does function really well.

If you want the script, get it here: TerrainConverter - Roblox (yes, i’m bodoEnd90)
If you want the demo place file, get it here:
TerrainConverterDemo.rbxl (52.8 KB)

Version 0.1

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This should probably go into #resources:community-resources


i didn’t know it existed, thanks!

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I’d rather fork plugins to add the feature than using an alternative, I’d fork this one

also that plugin I linked has a GitHub Repo so If I were you then I would fork the repo and put my proposed code there and make a pull request


To clarify, this module is for people lazier than people who use the plugin (no hate).
You just use parts (rotating, positioning and sizing), then if you have a script than kaboom a terrain map will be made!


That’s what I’m referencing.
The problem is that you can only select one part at a time.
(from experience)

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I said that I would fork the plugin and make it so every part you selected will be turned into terrain

also did you not just read what I said?

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I did but, I don’t want to use roact or any other similar language like rojo.
Also it’s version 1.0 or 0.1 or whatever, so things will get better.

You could give me some suggestions by messaging me and I’ll try my best to make it.
Also it’s simple to convert stuff into other stuff?