Convert R6 To R15

So, i need to create a module for convert R6 player to R15, i know i can’t ask for complete script but i don’t know how to make it so if you can help me with idea :confused:
I don’t know if is the good section for this question but i don’t found best

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Are you trying to force all R6 players to R15? I don’t understand.

If you only want R15 players in your game then only allow R15 in your game, go to game settings in studio.

@Kiramclome, @cjjdawg
the goal is to make a module “Fire (plr)” and that would change the skin of the player R6 to R15


but what is the use case for this?

I still don’t understand. Just like @cjjdawg said, you can just go to the studio settings and disallow R6.

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Admin Cmds
30 characterrrrrrrrr

actually I want to make a command which calls the module with the name of the player and who then detects the skin of the player (I know how) but I don’t know how to convert the skin from R6 to R15

Well i found a post with a solution : R6 to R15 mid game - #6 by pewpie12302die, next time search before asking a question.

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Just googled it and it came up.


@cjjdawg ll work, but i can’t move image

local cache = {}
function getUserIdFromUsername(name) -- Need Player Name
	if cache[name] then return cache[name] end
	local player = Players:FindFirstChild(name)
	if player then
		cache[name] = player.UserId
		return player.UserId
	local id
	pcall(function ()
		id = Players:GetUserIdFromNameAsync(name)
	cache[name] = id
	return id

function CharacterConv:R6ToR15(Plr)
	Plr = game.Players:WaitForChild(Plr)
	local FalseChar = script:WaitForChild("CharR15"):Clone()
	FalseChar.Name = Plr.Name
	FalseChar.Parent = workspace
	Plr.Character = FalseChar
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did you ensure that no part of the r15 rig is anchored except for the root part and that is has all the starter character scripts.

everything is unanchored except the humanoid root part

Does the rig have all the character scripts?


No it does not change your code to this:

function CharacterConv:R6ToR15(Plr)
	Plr = game.Players:WaitForChild(Plr)
	local FalseChar = script:WaitForChild("CharR15"):Clone()
	FalseChar.Name = Plr.Name
	FalseChar.Parent = workspace
    for _, Child in ipairs(Plr.Character:GetChildren())do
        if Child:IsA("Script") then
           Child.Parent = FalseChar
	Plr.Character = FalseChar

After multiple test, i have same result, i have the new skin but im not in R15 and i can’t move

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