"Convert To Package" opens up "Publish To Roblox As" Dialogue After Package Publishes

This is a problem I’ve noticed consistently with the “Convert To Packages” feature in Studio. After Converting an item to be a Package, Studio will open a “Publish To Roblox As” place dialogue. This seems quite strange as you never click that button, and could be bad for UX.

Repro steps:

  1. Convert something to a Package by right clicking → Convert To Package
  2. Save the package
  3. Studio should open the “Publish to Roblox As” place dialogue

I’m not seeing this behavior. After saving a package, no publish place dialog appears. Do you have any plugins installed? What OS are you on?


I’m running Windows 10 64-bit and I had a handful of plugins installed. I’ll see if I can recreate this bug myself since it happens pretty much anytime I convert something to a package.

EDIT: Seems to only occur if Studio hangs for a few minutes.