September 16, 2020, 11:14pm
I’m looking at shortening Displays on my game, so rather than displaying stuff like: “1800” It’d show as 1.8k and so forth through the numbers.
I came across a tutorial on how to do it - Although, it doesn’t work the best {{ if at all as it’s registering ‘1800000’ as 1k+ }}.
Hello everyone, I just did made something, and decided, “Why not show everyone how I did it?” Sometimes, a player’s stats in game can reach very high, and it may be quite hard to display numbers in instances such as UI or leaderstats. For instance, look at the image below.
As you can see, the top image looks much more cluttered than the bottom image, and with even more numbers, can be a UX disaster. So how would you be able to do this, you ask? Well, your answer is coding! So, we need …
Thank you!
A solution that comes to my mind is to divide by 1000. With two possible outcomes:
· If the number is smaller than 1000, use that number and add “k”
· Else, if the number is greater than 1000, divide by 1000 again, and change “k” to “M”, and so on…
Number 1: 5500
Result: 5500 / 1000 = 5,5k
Number 2: 1650000
Result = 1650000 / 1000 = 1650K, not enough, divide by 1000 again… 1650 / 1000 = 1,65M
Hope it helps
September 16, 2020, 11:33pm
Similar questions have been asked before, and there are some modules that do a pretty good job at this:
You can try converting it to a string and abbreviating it that way. A common module I’ve seen recommended is the one berezaa made for Miner’s Haven. Here’s his MoneyLib module:
(The relevant function is called “shorten”.)
This is an all-in-one number formatting module designed for displaying numbers in a more user-friendly way.
Why this module?
Aside from being the more known module (with over 100 likes), this is a solid tested module with many features included. Whether you insert a number large enough that some other number formatting module/snippets breaks, or you insert negative numbers or infinity, this module accounts for it.
As this is a module, you do not have to copy and paste any snippets, but you do…
May 31, 2023, 4:06pm
I hope this it what you’re looking for!
local function ShortenNumber(number)
if number >= 1000 then
return string.format(“%.0fK”, number / 1000)
elseif number >= 1000000 then
return string.format(“%.0fM”, number / 1000000)
print(ShortenNumber(200002)) – Output: 200K