Converting GUI to Lua


I’m trying to turn a screengui and everything in it into one big script. How would I do so?


Basically everything under “Main” into a script.


Model to Script converter v4[Open Source] - Roblox I use this plugin.

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Script how? You want to all of it? Dynamically create/delete it?

Yeah, I tried Gui to Lua Converter (Revamped) - Roblox but it missed some elements of the gui and eventually code stopped working.

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Thank you! I will try this and see if it works.

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If you put it all into a folder held in ReplicatedStorage the client could :Clone() it from there

I’m trying to make the GUI into code format so that I may obfuscate it.

It says “This may take a few minutes” and then does nothing, sadly. Possibly only works on models and not GUI?

I have one specifically for GUI aswell (i dont use this so please check it for viruses yourself!): Gui to Lua Converter (Revamped) - Roblox
edit: i just found out it doesnt work for you, try moving your scripts out of the GUI and trying it then.

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I will try a few things like that to see if I can make that plugin work for me, thanks.

I would recommend using Roact if your GUI is complex enough: GitHub - Roblox/roact: A view management library for Roblox Lua similar to React

GUI to script converters don’t work with scripts. They can only change UI stuff to code.

Also, just a heads up, if the UI exists on the client, even if it comes from obfuscated code, an exploiter can steal it.

I honestly don’t think there is any way to protect UI. If it’s an instance on the client they can take it.

Also, there really isn’t much of a reason to protect UI usually.

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Exactly. Nothing on the client can be protected. Expect all of it to be up for grabs by exploiters. Therefore, what you should be doing is moving all the major functionality of your game into ServerStroage, so the exploiters only get an empty “shell” of a game.

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I realized that- Its gonna be a require to an obfuscated model

Yeah of course, but not everything can be handled from the server.

Woah there, why are you converting this gui to lua, seems sus
usually this is done for exploit gui’s.

Because I want to obfuscate the lua so people can’t steal it.

He’s right, this can actually protect the gui from getting stolen. Even if an exploiter is able to Dex Explore his way towards the gui they won’t be able to view the scripts but just the gui.

Could you elaborate on this? I’m pretty sure turning instances into code then turning them back into instances doesn’t really stop stuff from being stolen.


GUI is a type of UI.

Yeah. I guess I don’t see how turning UI into code prevents exploiters from finding the scripts.


I never said it prevented the UI itself from getting stolen. He can just obfuscate the full code and make it function however he wants. You CANT convert scripts into instances

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