Converting meshes into unions

I have seen many posts about transforming unions into mesh parts, which is obviously more useful for most things, but how about converting a mesh into a union(even if not at full quality)? I’m sure this sounds stupid, but I am just asking this question out of curiosity if it can be done. I can’t see how it would be possible, but I thought I would ask. It would be very cool to be able to perform Union operations on a mesh-like part.

Thanks for reading my silly question, ExcessEnergy


There is no way that I know of to directly convert a Meshpart into a Union. There are ways to convert a Meshpart into triangle Parts, and then into a Union, but that’d be such a mess of geometry that I wouldn’t imagine it working well at all.

All things considered, performing Union operations on a Meshpart is much easier and more efficiently done in the modelling software - for instance, Blender’s Boolean modifier does everything the Union tools can do and much more.


I didn’t expect it to be possible inside of studio. Guess I’ll just stick to blender.

I just thought it would be cool to be able to slice and dice meshes. Lol

Thanks for the confirmation.

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That’s kind of impossible since unions contain history data that lets you separate them, while meshes don’t have such data.

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I thinking you could possibly use math to convert a mesh into many small parts connected in a union. But I don’t think this would work very well.


It is possible but i dont know how
I found a random rock mesh on toolbox but its… an union instead??
view the image below to see

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Here is the model link of this (i edited it in the screenshot)

i know this is a pretty old discussion, but ive noticed a similar situation with this crystal union that has been floating around on the roblox studio toolbox. i think it might have something to do with older versions of roblox robloxapp-20240624-1831349.wmv (1.6 MB)