Converting parts to image and sending it through discord

Okay, I have a game where there’s a 2d map and this map changes over time. I want to be able to see through discord map updates every X time. However, I don’t know how to do it. Is there any way to get what an in-game camera is viewing and send it through a discord webhook? Or maybe creating an image with all the parts?

Maybe you can make the map out of emojis?
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A very interesting topic! While I’m unsure about discord bots and any kind of webhooks, I have a couple of proposals:

So long as there’s an active server, you could call functions to ray cast parts of the map and make an emoji map like what @slendarcoolfan said above (or any other functions :p)

A more practical one assuming your game was designed in such a fashion if you have map generation using algorithms, then theoretically you could replicate said algorithms in whatever third-party software and display that as the map.
In the event you have players interacting with & changing the map, or the map can’t be determined by an algorithm, then what you instead could do is replicate all of the modifications that players make to the third-party and display said updated map.

There’s no simple method to do what you’re wanting, so be prepared for a lot of work.

Okay thanks for your response! I found someone who used a method which was using HttpService to send the map’s information, and then in Javascript it converted the information into an image!

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