Converting PC camera system to work on XBOX

I have a custom camera script in my game that makes the camera input smooth but this only works for PC and I am trying to get it to work for an XBOX controller but I am completely unfamiliar with XBOX controller inputs.

Here is my code that detects the mouse movement:

	input.InputChanged:connect(function(inputObject, gp)
		if gp == true then
		if inputObject.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
			local delta =,inputObject.Delta.y/Sensitivity) * Smoothness

			local X = TargetAngleX - delta.y 
			TargetAngleX = (X >= 80 and 80) or (X <= -80 and -80) or X 
			TargetAngleY = (TargetAngleY - delta.x) %360 

I’d like to get this to work with the Right stick on an xbox controller if anyone has any insight that would be great!

Thanks :smiley:

(I’d also like to convert it to work with mobile touch if anyone knows how to do that aswell)

InputObject.Delta has a code sample about how to handle different types of inputs. When it comes to gamepad input, you need to check if the UserInputType is a Gamepad (1-8). For thumbstick movement, the KeyCode will be a Thumbstick (1 for left, 2 for right). Your current code is probably compatible with gamepads already since you use the Delta as well rather than any mouse-specific properties.

Extra conditionals:

elseif inputObject.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Gamepad1 and inputObject.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Thumbstick2 then

Not sure how to do it for mobile though, sorry. Mobile development for me’s kinda weird.

Yes this works perfectly for mobile I just tried it here:

		if inputObject.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
			local delta =,inputObject.Delta.y/Sensitivity) * Smoothness

			local X = TargetAngleX - delta.y 
			TargetAngleX = (X >= 80 and 80) or (X <= -80 and -80) or X 
			TargetAngleY = (TargetAngleY - delta.x) %360 
		elseif inputObject.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Gamepad1 then
			local delta = / Sensitivity, inputObject.Delta.Y / Sensitivity) * Smoothness
			delta = delta * 1000
			local X = TargetAngleX - delta.Y
			TargetAngleX = (X >= 80 and 80) or (X <= -80 and -80) or X 
			TargetAngleY = (TargetAngleY - delta.x) %360 
		elseif inputObject.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch then
			local delta =,inputObject.Delta.y/Sensitivity) * Smoothness
			delta = delta * 5

			local X = TargetAngleX - delta.y 
			TargetAngleX = (X >= 80 and 80) or (X <= -80 and -80) or X 
			TargetAngleY = (TargetAngleY - delta.x) %360 

But for the gamepad it doesn’t behave normally: