Hello there! This is my first devforum post. So, I’m trying to figure out on how I could convert the Player’s gameplay into an animation. Basically it converts the player’s cframes into a keyframesequence. I asked AI to do it but there are some problems that I’m facing, and the AI can’t solve it. So here is the script that the AI provided for me. (The script is located in serverscriptservice.)
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
-- Function to record player's gameplay and convert it into KeyframeSequence poses
local function recordAndSaveAnimation(player)
print("Recording animation for player:", player.Name)
-- Wait for the player's character to spawn
local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
print("Character found for player:", player.Name)
-- Create a KeyframeSequence
local keyframeSequence = Instance.new("KeyframeSequence")
keyframeSequence.Name = "RecordedAnimation_" .. player.UserId
-- Record player's gameplay for the specified duration
local duration = 3 -- Recording duration in seconds
local frameRate = 60 -- Frame rate
local timeStep = 1 / frameRate
local elapsedTime = 0 -- Elapsed time counter
-- Get the initial character position
local initialPosition = character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart").Position
while elapsedTime < duration do
-- Create a Keyframe for the current frame
local keyframe = Instance.new("Keyframe")
keyframe.Time = elapsedTime
-- Iterate over all parts in the character
for _, part in ipairs(character:GetDescendants()) do
if part:IsA("BasePart") then
-- Calculate relative CFrame
local relativeCFrame = CFrame.new(part.Position - initialPosition, part.Position)
-- Create a pose for the part with the adjusted CFrame
local pose = Instance.new("Pose")
pose.Name = part.Name
pose.CFrame = relativeCFrame
-- Add the keyframe to the KeyframeSequence
print("Added keyframe at time:", elapsedTime)
-- Increment elapsed time
elapsedTime = elapsedTime + timeStep
-- Save KeyframeSequence to ReplicatedStorage
keyframeSequence.Parent = ReplicatedStorage
print("Saved KeyframeSequence for player:", player.Name)
-- Connect the function to player added event
The only problem that I’m facing is that it the animation isn’t display correctly. This is what it look like.
So yea. If you have any ideas or suggestions or something that might be able to solve this, you can drop it here.
I’m not seeing a lot of help here and I’m no expert but I’ll share a few ideas:
In that documentation there is an example code snippet that looks like what you might be trying to do.
Some untested ideas:
It uses Pose:AddSubPose
Instead of looping through parts it goes through joints, which I believe is what a Pose is (a Motor6D.Transform?)
local function generateKeyframe(model)
if not model.PrimaryPart then
warn("No primary part set")
local rootPart = model.PrimaryPart:GetRootPart()
if not rootPart then
warn("Root part not found")
local partsAdded = {}
partsAdded[rootPart] = true
local function addPoses(part, parentPose)
-- get all of the joints attached to the part
--[[ First notable change in the target of the loop ]]--
for _, joint in pairs(part:GetJoints()) do
-- we're only interested in Motor6Ds
if joint:IsA("Motor6D") then
-- find the connected part
local connectedPart = nil
if joint.Part0 == part then
connectedPart = joint.Part1
elseif joint.Part1 == part then
connectedPart = joint.Part0
if connectedPart then
-- make sure we haven't already added this part
if not partsAdded[connectedPart] then
partsAdded[connectedPart] = true
-- create a pose
local pose = Instance.new("Pose")
pose.Name = connectedPart.Name
--[[ Second notable change in adding poses ]]--
-- recurse
addPoses(connectedPart, pose)
local keyframe = Instance.new("Keyframe")
-- populate the keyframe
local rootPose = Instance.new("Pose")
rootPose.Name = rootPart.Name
addPoses(rootPart, rootPose)
return keyframe
local character = script.Parent
local keyframe = generateKeyframe(character)
I’m not an expert at scripting, so I asked AI to make a script with that. However, the AI made the script worser whenever I keep asking to fix some bugs that I have with the script.
There is this devforum that I found while searching, and this user managed to get it properly. It’s just that it’s in R6, and I’m trying to make it R15. I think it might have something to do with Motor6ds, Transform, and SolveForTransform. But when I asked AI for that, it still keeps having errors and bugs and AI keeps reusing some lines from previous scripts as usual. This is the devforum here:
There is another devforum that I found and is facing some kind of an issue where all the body parts are not properly placed in the correct positions, just like the issue that I was facing.