I’m trying to convert CFrame
movement into an animation.
Rotation works just fine, but when trying to make the character move freely inside the animation every body part just separates further and further.
Rotating body parts works just fine
What happens when I add the Motor6D
to the bodypart’s CFrame
I know this has something to do with the Motor6D.Transform
property, but I can’t seem to understand how the .Transform
property works. Is it relative to it’s parent part? And even so, how would I be able
to move inside the local space?
My goal is not to record movement from normal movement, instead record VR movement into an animation.
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For Motor6D: Part1.CFrame = Part0.CFrame * C0 * Transform * C1:Inverse()
Make sure to consider all of these CFrames in your script.
Pose.CFrame corresponds to Motor6D.Transform.
If this doesn’t answer your question, consider sharing your CFrame code so we can pin down the issue.
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Thank you, here is my script. I’ve tried your solution but the same error occurs, the body parts are separated, really far out.
local sort = {["HumanoidRootPart"] = {["LowerTorso"] = {["LeftUpperLeg"] = {["LeftLowerLeg"] = {"LeftFoot"}},["RightUpperLeg"] = {["RightLowerLeg"] = {"RightFoot"}},["UpperTorso"] = {"Head",["LeftUpperArm"] = {["LeftLowerArm"] = "LeftHand"},["RightUpperArm"] = {["RightLowerArm"] = {"RightHand"}}}}}}
local keepgoing = true
local objectoanimate = game.Workspace:WaitForChild("thoricelli")
keepgoing = true
local starttick = tick()
local lasttick = tick()
if keepgoing == true then
if tick()-lasttick > 0.1 then --Every 0.1 seconds a Keyframe will be created
local keyframe = Instance.new("Keyframe")
keyframe.Parent = game.Workspace.TestFolder --The folder where I keep the keyframes to copy it into the animasaves
keyframe.Time = tick()-starttick
keepgoing = false
function SavePosition(prev,tableposition,objectosavevalue)
for i,v in pairs(tableposition) do
local newinstance = Instance.new("Pose")
if type(i) == "string" then
newinstance.Name = i
newinstance.Parent = prev
for _,b in pairs(objectosavevalue:GetChildren()) do
if b.Name == i then
for _,u in pairs(b:GetChildren()) do
if u:IsA("Motor6D") then --Get the Motor6D value of the bodypart
newinstance.CFrame = u.Transform+(b.CFrame:ToObjectSpace(u.Transform).Position)
newinstance.Name = v
newinstance.Parent = prev
for _,b in pairs(objectosavevalue:GetChildren()) do
if b.Name == v then
for _,u in pairs(b:GetChildren()) do
if u:IsA("Motor6D") then --Get the Motor6D value of the bodypart
newinstance.CFrame = u.Transform
if type(v) == "table" then
SavePosition(newinstance,v,objectosavevalue) --The current object is a table, so iterate trough it.
if v ~= newinstance.Name then
local newwinstance = Instance.new("Pose")
newwinstance.Name = v
newwinstance.Parent = newinstance
for _,b in pairs(objectosavevalue:GetChildren()) do
if b.Name == v then
for _,u in pairs(b:GetChildren()) do
if u:IsA("Motor6D") then --Get the Motor6D value of the bodypart
newwinstance.CFrame = u.Transform
I think the problem here is that the animation editor uses the Motor6D
value of every bodypart and sets it to the CFrame
of the keyframe.
When recording the current Motor6D
value of the player during the recording, does not include the position in the local space of that bodypart, since those are not handled by the Motor6D
value, the walking animation uses Motor6D
, movement is handled by the parts position itself.
So looking at the 2nd picture I sent, I tried to add the current Motor6D
value to the current CFrame
position in the local space and store it in the keyframe, which during the animation will play inside the Motor6D
of that bodypart, and which is what I’m confused by.
How would I be able to move (not only rotate) the Motor6D
driven bodypart without the body parts separating and going into oblivion, using the bodypart’s CFrame
and Motor6D
combined into one or just converting the CFrame to a Motor6D value outright
(Sorry for bumping an old post but I really need help)
Alright so quick update, I’ve gotten it to kinda “work”.
Here’s how I’m doing it, if anyone’s interested.
But once the character moves from the origin, they turn into the same mess as in the first picture, on my post. I’m still confused, and can’t come up with a solution, I’ve asked countless people, but to no avail.
I’ve updated the script to include the origin, from where the recording started, it calculates every single bodypart’s Motor6D (starting from the LowerTorso), so that the other connected bodyparts can be updated accordingly, but that still doesn’t fix it.
Please, if anyone knows what I’m doing wrong, do not hesitate to help me out here.
If someone needs the script to pin-point the issue or any other form of image/video, I can post it.