Converting wedges to smooth terrain

I’m trying to convert some smooth terrain from a bunch of wedge terrain.
I’m not sure how to do this. and i’m not even sure where to start, aside from just… filling it in.


Assuming that you mean “wedge parts” when you say wedges, I really suggest you use this plugin by Quenty:

This is the single most helpful terrain tool I use personally, and would advice anyone to use it. You can convert any type of part to terrain with it. Rotation, scale, movement are supported. You can turn the part into any type of terrain, including “air” which erases terrain. Check it out!


oh frick yeah! I was looking for something exactly like this! thanks!


RIP. have to redact the solution. does not support wedge parts.

i’m specifically looking for something that will convert wedge parts.


Are you sure those are wedges? That looks like ‘triangle’ terrain to me, if they are however just convert what you can and unfortunately you’ll probably have to do the rest manually.

(sorry mods for meme)

Triangle terrain is wedges…

But, just to prove a point

I said this because I’ve seen people use parts to create a close replication of triangle style looking terrain so I was bring up that possibility, and didn’t realise it was done with wedges. Thanks for the added image of a facepalm though.

Sorry, i didn’t intend it to be so… rude… I’ve talked to several people about this elsewhere, and i’ve had to explain 8 times “yes… triangle terrain is made of wedges”
I’ve not seen anyone use parts to closely replicate it tho. how large of a scale would this work for?

I haven’t personally done any testing with Parts, however since apparently this is not a popular way of doing triangle terrain I assume it can’t be used for large scale projects and is most likely inefficient.

Well. that gives me an idea

If i just do

for i,v in pairs(Wedges) do
    local s=,0,0)

it’s not the most efficient. and the steep hills look pretty… geometric

it sorta works tho… at least enough to go in an manually tweak things. As that was my main concern. is fill in a large, roughed out map with terrain.


Maybe try a smaller size of terrain block?

Regardless, I can see this working however you’re going to have to go in and manually fix everything up, which will probably take the same time as just manually filling in terrain from the beginning.

Well, considering it’s a 4096x4096 map, all the terrain brushes are hella small, and that it’s mostly just gentle rolling hills…

However. I’m gonna make it a point to make a proper converter… at some point.