Conveyor texture syncing

Currently, I’m trying to sync a Beam’s TextureSpeed to a conveyor’s speed. Here’s the script I’m using to move players on the conveyor.

script.Parent.Velocity = script.Parent.CFrame.LookVector * 20

I have tried some ratios of the velocity and TextureSpeed beforehand, but they always seem to fall out of sync when I scale them to a different speed. Does anyone know the perfect ratio for this?

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The only way to solve this is to probably just keep on trying until it’s found. What you can probably do is to make the testing faster is, put a part on the start of the conveyor belt and see how much time it takes for it to get to the end, and for the beam’s texture, if it has arrows or something, count how much time it takes for an arrow to get to the other side.

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I know this is a late response, but the equation for beam speed is: Velocity = TextureLength * TextureSpeed


Yeah, I figured that out too. What reasons would Roblox have to make a hidden formula be very complicated, anyway?

Deleted because I found out I just had to switch the texture mode from stretch to static.