Cookie Pool System

I’ve spent the day working on a “cookie pool” system. This is basically a large data lake of bot account cookies that I need for the website I’m working on.

Every 3 hours, we take all the cookies in the pool and renew them with the Roblox API to get a fresh cookie. We then upload the new one of the pool and delete the old one. It’s a really efficient system and means we don’t have to worry about cookies expiring because the cookies are renewed so often that it’s pretty much impossible for them to expire.

We also have a fail-over system in place. If we fail to renew a single cookie more than twice, it is deleted from the database and we are alerted of the issue so we can manually take a look:

I wanted to ask if anyone would have a valid use-case for a system like this. It is currently made for our database system, so would require some modifications if I were to open source it. I just want to gauge how many people would actually use this and their use-cases for it.

  • I have a use case for this and would want it open sourced (please put below)
    • I don’t have a use case for this

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My use case, as you can probably guess, has to do with bots.
Doing stuff like changing ranks, posting group shouts, etc.

I’m currently working on automation stuff for a hotel group I do development work with, and having the ability to proactively track cookies and maintain service up time.