Cookies acknowledgement adjustment

It may of not been noticeable to most users but a grey bar showed below the main bar explaining the usage/consent of cookies and how they are being used. This is a new addition and I just want to suggest a small/minor adjustment.

This banner should remain until you physically click it, I should be able to click the Privacy and the Cookie Policy before confirming to the usage of cookies. It should have a dismiss-able or ‘agree’ button. This would provide users a chance to read over both policies and come to an informal choice if they accept the use of them or not. It works like/similar to this on every other website I can think of.


The EU cookie law is only enforced in the EU, not in the United States. This would only matter if Roblox has a legal presence in Europe, and I don’t think they do. So they do not need to change this bar at all strictly speaking.

I understand you’re disagreeing, but the thing you quoted reinforces what I said above. It is explained that “a website owned by a US company can avoid the law and still serve content to the EU”.

You might be interpreting the “Can we just host our website outside of the EU?” wrong. It refers to someone, being a European, trying to host a website through a non-EU provider in an attempt to get around the law. The legal entity that controls the website is still in the EU, so they can prosecute it. This is a different case from Roblox, a legal entity in the US, not EU.

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Law for you, after reading your post it makes more sense. Legal jumbo is quite a complex word structure and can easily confuse people. I’d still like to see the adjustment of having a agree/acknowledgement/X button as what I said before. It’s common on a lot of sites to have the banner fixed there.

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Legality aside, ROBLOX has the banner in the first place, which means one or both of these things:

  • They respect users who don’t want to be tracked and give them a fair warning
  • They wish to be on good terms with international law as the continue to expand their buisiness

In either of those cases, it makes sense to improve the cookie banner. Even with those aside, just for UX reasons it may be worth looking into, because there’s no point in having a banner if no one reads it. Of course, this speaks nothing of priority – that’s up to the ROBLOX staff to decide.