Cookin Kids | Winter Update

Cooking Kids Update is coming 2024-12-31T08:00:00Z

Updates For Winter are listed and may or may not be coming!

:plate_with_cutlery: | NPC System

We are working on an NPC Restaurant System, and you may need to press E or Click NPC to Serve or Seat an NPC and they will be noob characters.

:bubbles::sponge:| Dish Washing

You must wash your own dishes you serve to NPC’s, You may get 452$ per Plate Cleaned. Leaked Photo

:dollar: | Money System

Your Money with be in City Roleplay. Yes, we will try returning City Roleplay and you may have a Life to live and roleplay. City Roleplay was Discontinued due to issues with making other games and it will be making a return.

:back:| Continuing another game

City Roleplay, A old game that was made to roleplay In 2022 and was made from KaydenPlayz_Games on June 4, A Developer named Kayden made a roleplay game because he was bored. The game ended up failing but he discontinued the game because he had to work on other games.

:broom: | Cleaning

You will get 259$ per trash picked up!

:hotdog: | Grilling Outside

Grilling will be Outside where you can cook Hamburgers, Hotdogs, and BBQ foods.

:cup_with_straw:| Blending

Blending will be a update soon and you can blend up fruit smoothie recipes.

:crab: | Seafood

Soon, you can start boiling some lobster, crab, shrimp, fish, etc.

:hammer_and_wrench: | Bugs and Fixes

Prompt not Working Out
ClickDetector Not Working
Not Giving NPC Food

:joystick: | Games
Cooking Kids: Cookin Kids - Roblox
Development Game: Cookin Kids - :hammer_and_wrench: - Roblox

Owner/Founder/Scripter/Modeler = KaydenPlayz_Games
Co-Owner/Co-Founder/Founders Second Acc = KaydenPlayz_Games2
Manager/Scripter/Modeler = KaydenPlayz_GamesDev
Developer/Modeler = CityRpRblx_AdHelp
Tester = xavierfrashpolice

Bugs are being Fixed and we will try releasing the update as soon as possible. Some Updates may release late!

More updates coming out to. Update log in a couple days!