Cooking Grill Feedback

About a week ago, I made a grill. I improved it today and needed feedback on it. What should I add? What should I change? What should I remove?

I appreciate it greatly if you provided feedback! Thanks!

![Screen Shot 2022-08-06 at 7.20.21 PM|652x500]

![Screen Shot 2022-08-06 at 7.20.31 PM|690x441]

Edit: this is for a restaurant so-


It looks pretty good, but I would add dials that you would turn to adjust the heat

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That’s a good idea! I’ll do that. Thanks!

It looks amazing! The basic theme goes along nicely as well as the yellow. It looks nice.

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This looks awesome!

  1. The chair themselves don’t match with the grill, and even if they did I think it would be better with some details, or a different color.
  2. The grill itself is nice, but more details on the two grey boxes on the side will be nice like buttons and/or pipes.
  3. The actual grill should be blacked a bit in the middle, like what a real life grill would be.
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Thanks for your feedback! What details should the chairs have?

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The chair themselves are fine as it is. It’s just me and being a perfectionist.

  1. The stands for it are a tad bit too small.
  2. It would look better if the sides on the top of the chair are slightly curved.
  3. The color, try to play with it and try to have it matched the grill, maybe beige or white or black (around that region).
  4. The sides too for the bottom could be a tad bit curved.

Over all, just play around with it and try to imagine different variations and how it would look in real life. IT looks very good and I can’t wait to see what you do :smiley:

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