Cool 3d Sky Decoration Tutorial

Hello! This is a screenshot from one of my games that reached 1k visits recently. I thought I could make a post about the sky decor that I made for the map.

So, today I will show you how to make a cool design like the one shown in this picture.


Firstly, we make 4 walls that must be Anchored and Collidable. They need not be invisible because we will be removing them later.


Next, we will group a bunch of cubes together as shown in the picture. Remember, they need to be unanchored and collidable. They need not be in grouped together in a perfect shape.

After that, raise these bunch of cubes in the air


Press F8 or click on the Run button in studio. The cubes should fall into the pit we made. This will be our design in the future. Copy the model and exit run mode.

You may repeat the process to get a desired design but we will modify it manually in step 4.


Delete the model in workspace and paste the one we copied from our test session.

Ungroup the model so that we can select each cube individually. Now, we do not want big clusters of cubes in one spot. we want it to be distributed evenly.

So, delete any large clusters of cubes that you see. Select any group of cubes that you like and then copy paste it in other places to fill the gaps. You can do this process in any way you like.


Anchor the cubes and group them together. Turn off ‘CastShadow’. Then, raise the model in the air.
You can copy this model or make more designs to add layers to the sky.


Remember, you may change the size of your cubes at any time you wish, as I have shown in this picture.


The most important step.

To make it look pretty, atmosphere plays a huge part. Especially Density property. Play around with it and customize as you wish.


That was it for the tutorial. It is very simple really but I wanted to make a tutorial because I haven’t posted in a while.

Note : You might want to use meshes instead of parts to reduce lag. You can see, I have used meshes in my build. Also, forgive me for the weird title, I’m not sure how to name this thing.


Cool! I never thought that i can copy the parts after run.

Can you explain why meshes require less computing power than parts?

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Good question. I don’t know. I use a plugin to turn parts into meshes. Apparently it is good for performance?

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:+1: very cool tutorial it was very exciting and it was explained very well.

Have you tested the difference, both are still made from triangles

This is the one I made. How does it look?


it’s nice but i think the neon cubes shine too much and that you should have orang lighting not like white lighting and that the neon cubes give off light and then also you need more orange cubes closeby and stuffScreen Shot 2021-10-27 at 8.45.31 PM


4k hd abstract neon cool desktop wallpaper material

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Woah, pretty good tutorial. Thanks bro I’ll definitely use it in the future.

This is very helpful and was explained very well. Good job! :happy1:

Both will perform the same as long as collisions are off for the parts. They are both made up of the same thing