Cool Cave Build

Cool Cave Build

So Im working on this game and Just Wipped up a map, pretty much the point of the game is to escape before “lava” fills the entire thing up and you die, the map turned out good though, thoughts, and anything I can improve on?



If you would like to contact me my contact information is in my portfolio.

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wow your map is so cool it would be a great magic adventure game!!!

There is no need to make a duplicate post, I suggest you delete this one before someone flags it.

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hmmm, not duplicate, its just in 2 catagories for 2 different reasons, and 1 letter is changed.

That looks really good but I think the colors should be more grey to match with the cave

Ummm what? What do you mean by more grey?

I mean the colors should stay similar to the cave walls

The only thing not grey in the cave are nature assets, or artificial devices? Why would those need to be grey?