I used some halflife assets from the toolbox and came up with this opening cutscene that could be used as a credit scene. Sorry for video quality
Woah, really cool. At last minutes which writes now loading, we can see the character. Maybe you can wait a second before attaching camera to player.
Looks cool, though I would look into adding text scroll effect for the dialogue said by the characters, but that’s more of a nitpick than anything.
Thanks for feedback. I will fix that soon.
Scroll effect? Do you mean typewriter typing effect?
Yeah, where the text apppears as if it were typed out. I just find that effect should give a better impression of dialogue.
Looks amazing problem is that at the last moment when it says now loading, I can see the character like @Uygi1234 said maybe you can fix that.
Looks like windows movie editor.
Otherwise its cool.
(PS: If you need help making that type writter effect, hmu.