I’ve seen some games with 3D blocks that have a blurry texture. Now I’ve worked on some games that include 3D blocks with pixel textures and I also ran into this problem, this was a while ago but I’d like to share the method of getting pixel perfect textures which a more experienced developer might know but less experienced developers might not.
Here’s an example of the three display types, with the last two being UI and Mesh.
To achieve this, add a surface UI to any part in your game, then adding the Image UI element and going to its properties and navigate to image category changing “ResampleMode” to “Pixelated” this will create the effect. After this you can change the surface UI parent Part to be neon and then black.
For the mesh, what you want to do is bit more complex.
In my case I use blender to make the 3D model.
As you can see the mesh is not just a simple cube but
it’s made of a bunch of little squares, each square corresponding to a pixel on the UV. I lost the original post where I saw the mesh technique was shared and used.
Anyways, I thought it’d just be neat to share this to help:>
“Some extra context I forgot to add while posting this”
‘Pros’ and ‘Cons’ to the UI and the Mesh technique, well some.
UI Pros = {
Basically pixel perfect,
Lighting customizability,
No “posterization”/chunky colors
UI Cons = {
“Annoying to keep track”,
"Doesn’t display in ‘Viewport Frames’ "
Mesh Pros = {
"Displays in ‘Viewport Frames’ ",
Mesh Cons = {
“Annoying to setup with out automation”,
“With too low of a texture size Roblox will auto “compress” the data of the texture on the mesh causing chunky colors
involving the upload of under 256 size images, really like 255”