CoolBoi the footballer! [GFX]

Thanks a lot of suggestions! Appreciated

This was Defiantly Made In Studio, 100% I Remember seeing a tutorial how to make a GFX without blender which was messy

The Background is just… It doesn’t really fit and its just really random, Its like you got a paint bucket and used the most random colors and threw it on a portrait

This is very lazily made, you really could get a free model in the background, make some good lighting to fit the climate the football field is, also you can make his avatar in a Football suit. I get why the average is a 3.5 for this, as it feels like not much effort was put into it.

Honestly if this is in studio, Id rather call it a RSGFX or just some sort of Sub Genre to it.

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Very transparent. But don’t worry, I’ve already started fixing things.
I made the background simple because it was meant for a profile picture.
I know the lighting is weird, but when I try lighting in Blender it lags a lot. Though now I decided to put up with the lag if it means making quality things.
As for the avatar, I was asked to make a gfx of someone’s avatar. So I had to make do with what I had.
If you want to see something better, check my latest topic.
Thanks for the feedback no matter how transparent glad you took time to compile it.

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It looks very plain and rushed. The helmet is too small, and you probably should’ve changed the face to fit it. If you’re getting paid for this, try and put more effort than you already have, like a more fitting background.


What about a checkers design or something? Its just to basic basic.

I Honestly agree, this was clearly rushed and should have more effort into it

Now it is totally possible to make incredible GFX in studio. I only use studio for mine and a few editors. Just position the model in studio, then export as a 3D model with a transparent background. Good luck with your designs in the future.

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Once again thank you all for taking time to give me feedback. I think I’ll do @geedcat 's suggestion.

I think if you don’t use cycles as your render engine in blender and use Eevee instead you will reduce all the noise and lag. Your roblox studio gfx looks very pixilated and the lighting is not proper.

I’m working on it all. Thanks,.

cycles has a denoiser, noise isn’t a reason to switch to eevee

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I found a way to reduce some of the lag on Blender.
I downloaded Blender 2.83, which is almost the same as 2.9 when it comes to GFX.
It’s less laggier now I think.
I’ll use cycles, even though I don’t have a GPU.

Making this in blender will give a much better result, almost no one will hire someone who makes GFX in Roblox studio.


  • Pose is very awkward and helmet is giving off weird reflections
  • Background looks really weird, change it to something else.
  • Why is your watermark a blue football? Use something that stands out, I can barely see it
  • Green and blue neon hurts eyes
  • Make background a football field
  • Helmet is clipping into body
  • Leg on the left is clipping through torso
  • Head is clipping through torso

Fix this and it will look a lot better.

It looks good. But the head is kinda stretched if you know what I mean.
Anyways I rate 6/10 good job! Continue working.

Both of you read above comments please.

I did, can’t find anything there?

Same I don’t see anything that’s off topic