Hi, how can i get a Cooldown on this, just a simple wait(0.2) doesnt work, it just delays it so
if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
Hi, how can i get a Cooldown on this, just a simple wait(0.2) doesnt work, it just delays it so
if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
what you would want to use is a simple method that many have used for this sorta thing, we call it, the “debounce”
basically its just a variable that gets set to true, so then we know hey we cant do this, then after X amount of time we set debounce back to false.
Example with your code:
local debounce = false
if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
if debounce then return end -- If debounce is set to true, then we cant do this, so we use the return method to stop the code after this point from running
debounce = true -- sets debounce to true, meaning the function can no longer run until its set back to false
--- Do whatever
task.wait(X) -- Replace X with the time you want to wait.
debounce = false -- sets debounce to false, now the function can run again!
Yesss, this works thank you alot, but im still wondering why not just use the wait function, why specifically task.wait, is task.wait more precise?
Don’t always debounce. That’s bad practice.
I’d suggest you use an actual cooldown instead like in this example:
local COOLDOWN_TIME = 0.2
local COOLDOWN = 0
if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 and COOLDOWN <= tick() then
-- Do what you want to do here
Best regards,
holy thats a thing!
This looks good, but cause Im curious, and nerdy, how is it bad practice? Is there a downside to using a debounce? I need that statistics!! lol
Yes this works alot better, debounce had some delay of like ~0.2-0.3 seconds but this works amazing, thank you both alot
It just doesn’t keep the thread alive for the duration of the cooldown.
Mostly this way is just cleaner and more readable though tbh.
Best regards,
Ok, thanks for the info!
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