Copied Gamepass ID in Settings is different than the actual Gamepass ID


There seems to be an issue when copying the gamepass ID from the settings menu on the creator dashboard. The ID you copy from the 3 dots on the top-left gives you a different gamepass ID than the actual gamepass ID.

When I paste the copied ID into notepad, it gives me a strange ID and doesn’t match up with the actual id (the one I circled in the URL).


Do both ids still link to the same gamepass?

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What do you mean exactly? Because both IDs seem very different, and I wouldn’t see how they would “link” to the same gamepass?

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Yeah, my bad i thought both IDs link to the same gamepass, but only one does not sure why Roblox added that.

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The wording is not very clear, but essentially, the asset ID that you’re copying is the asset id that corresponds to the image that your game pass is using. That is separate from the id of the game pass.

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I will double check the code but I suspect that behavior is intentional, just poorly named/described

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You are right that for game pass, the button gives you the IconImageAssetId. I truly hope this behavior is not intentional.

If it is, then the different behavior between game passes and avatar items will become inconsistent.

If pressing “Copy Asset ID” for avatar items gives me the product ID, it’d make sense for game passes to do the same.

In practical terms, when I hit “Copy Asset ID” for a game pass, I’m expecting to snag the game pass ID itself, not the image ID.

If we do need the asset ID for the image, it should be standardized to be taken from the MarketplaceService:GetProductInfo() > ProductInfo.IconImageAssetId.


Looking at the code it seems like this behavior was indeed intentional.

But I agree that it doesn’t make any sense for it to be like this. I’ll try to get some more context from the team that originally wrote this and likely make a change to have this copy the pass id instead.


Hey, I merged in a change for this. You should see this copy the game pass ID from now on soon.


Ok it turns out this had some side effects that were unintended, so I’m going to revert this. It’ll take some more effort to get this working as expected.


Can’t an extra button just for copying game-pass id be suitable enough or?