Copy-Pasting no longer inserts parts immediately above originals

When I copy multiple parts using Ctrl+C and paste them using Ctrl+V, instead of appearing immediately above their respective parts, they appear somewhere else nearby.

The place they end up seems to vary, somehow related to the last part(s) selected but not always exactly centered on it.


ROBLOX stop screwing with copy and pasting T,T


I can confirm this, but usually I use duplicate over copy paste in any situation for building, since it puts the copy in the same position as the original part(s)


Usually I do this too, but sometimes I want the parts to be placed immediately above the originals, and it’s annoying when they aren’t.

it works with last selected part, to solve this try drag selecting all of them, as opposed to selecting one by one, and things like that, Roblox has always been weird with the pasting thing, but I don’t notice it any worse since I rarely build

Can confirm, our lead builder is raging about the fact that he build the lobby since the tools don’t function correctly…

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There’s one other thing I noticed: copy-pasting no longer puts the new part in the same model as the original, instead dropping it into workspace. I’m rather neutral on this but I’d like them to pick one behavior and not change it.

The worst copy-paste change for me, was when they made paste not paste above the selected part.

Open place 1:
Copy model I need at Vector3 10023,45,2032

Open place 2 (empty baseplate):
Paste model
Model pastes a million miles away, and needs to be tediously moved using either command line, or axis movement.


[quote] The worst copy-paste change for me, was when they made paste not paste above the selected part.

Open place 1:
Copy model I need at Vector3 10023,45,2032

Open place 2 (empty baseplate):
Paste model
Model pastes a million miles away, and needs to be tediously moved using either command line, or axis movement. [/quote]
Oh man that was annoying to me too. Unfortunately I’m getting the feeling that the only way for it to work as I want 100% of the time would be for it to read my mind, and I do not want to be ‘that guy’.


When I copy-paste bricks or models it gets pasted very very far away from the camera and I can’t see it unless I select it with the resize/position dragger tool which have handles.

A couple years ago when you used to Copy/Paste it would place the copy above the Part you had selected before you Pasted allowing you to specify where you wanted the item to be placed.
Then they changed it to above the Part you Copied. This took some getting used to, but it wasn’t a big deal.

I can see where this would be helpful in both cases. How about a toggle-able key like Ctrl L for the axes so you could choose either ‘Last part selected’ or ‘Part copied’?

Just a thought…

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Hey Deepak, this was happening to me today. Can someone look at it? This is a pretty big one.


@Shedletsky on it.


Fix for this should be enabled this week.

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