What do you want to achieve?
So basically I have a custom rig as StarterCharacter, it is almost like R15 but smoother. I would like for whatever player to join, to have the same rig as the StarterCharacter but still with the body colors, clothes, accessory’s, etc… (It does not have to be by StarterCharacter, if their is an easier or more efficient way, I am down for whatever.)
What is the issue?
The issue is I just don’t know where to even begin in the script, I just can’t seem to understand it.
You can use game.Players:GetCharacterAppearenceAsync(userId)
It’ll return a model of what the player is wearing, then just extract the stuff you need from it into your original player model.
As for the bodycolors and scale and such you can use game. Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(userId)
You can also directly apply it using Humanoid:ApplyDescription(humanDesc)
Hey so I appreciate the help I really do but, I already know these exist I meant more on like how I can use it in a script, like how would i actually apply it and stuff.