Copying a TerrainRegion causes Studio to disconnect without saving

I used the following command in command bar to generate a TerrainRegion instance:
workspace.Terrain:CopyRegion(workspace.Terrain.MaxExtents).Parent = game.ReplicatedFirst

I attempt to save my game, which has TeamCreate enabled, with this TerrainRegion.

After 1-2 minutes my Studio exits the game with following incident;

Attempting the same on a local copy of the game works fine.
Copying the terrain region to another game with team create enabled will make that place disconnect from Studio after 1-2 minutes similarly to other places with team create that I’ve tried pasting this TerrainRegion instance into.

A link to my place that seemingly generates TerrainRegion instances that cause TeamCreate to disconnect studio.

My bug shares similarities with a previously reported bug that’s been marked as resolved:

I could not find any other issues related to mine.
Studio Logs are provided in the Staff private content section.

System Information:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600G @ 3.9 GHz, 16 GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060

Expected behavior

I would expect Studio to save the TerrainRegion instance and not to disconnect when in Team Create.

A private message is associated with this bug report


Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

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Hi Peekay, are you still experiencing this issue? I am no longer able to reproduce this.

I’ve been using a workaround method for the time being, but can confirm this is still an issue.

Instead of giving an error, Roblox Studio closes the place and opens it up again without my just created terrain region in place.

Thanks for letting us know! We’re investigating a fix. It looks like this happens when the terrain region exceeds a certain size.