Copying BodyType Package and Applying to Blank Rig

I have 2 Rigs with me, one is ROBLOX’s Avatar (r15, Man BodyType Package)

^ Imported through “:CreateHumanoidModelFromUserId()”

second one is a Blank (r6, Block BodyType Package)

I am trying to copy the properties of the Imported DEEWEE character to the blank r6 rig, in such a way that the blank model remains as an r6, but takes the Man BodyType.

I have tried taking the individual mesh IDs of the r15 rig and putting them into the blank r6 rig, however since r15 has more differentiated bodyParts, it would not match with that of r6.

The goal is to keep the blank rig’s r6 state, but take over the Man BodyType from rig 1.

On the alternative, is there a way I can request the r6 version of any player by providing their userID?
Because game.Players:CreateHumanoidModelFromUserId(userId)
Always returns r15 models


well, i don’t even know how to do that. i’m sorry. :frowning:

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On the alternative, do you know a way I can request the r6 version of any player by providing their userID?
Because game.Players:CreateHumanoidModelFromUserId(userId)
Always returns r15 models

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well, i am not a great developer. so i don’t know how to do that. Sorry. :frowning:

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that returns BodyTypeScale is what I know. I read the docs, didn’t see BodyType anywhere.

Keep a standard R6 rig in server storage, get the humanoid description data for that user and apply what you can to a clone of the R6 rig, then replace their character with the new rig. Set the R6 rig as the players.Character model. You could also pre-customize the R6 rig using the “man type” body parts, that way the joints can be positioned properly before hand. Then all you have to do is apply the appearance stuff and replace the default rig with the custom R6

that’s the method I’m trying to avoid. But thanks for trying.