When you select a part within a model and then copy and paste the part, the part produced stays within the model you copied the part from and doesn’t go into workspace where it should.
This has changed within the last 1 - 2 days and makes building things very inconvenient.
[quote] When you select a part within a model and then copy and paste the part, the part produced stays within the model you copied the part from and doesn’t go into workspace where it should.
This has changed within the last 1 - 2 days and makes building things very inconvenient.
help? [/quote]
This is by design and follows the conventions of most other content editors out there. I regret that we taught our users an unconventional workflow and they will be going to other applications wondering why when they copy and paste, the copied item does not appear in the root of the tree. But if you think about it, this would be like copying a file, pasting, and it appearing in the root of your C:/ drive. We’ve fixed it so when you copy and paste, it appears in the same branch that the items were copied from.
Kind of nice… Definitely will take some getting used to, but I can see some advantages. Was nice being able to pick something out of a model and having it readily maneuverable in workspace, but changing my workflow ought to make this unnecessary. Aye, and now I don’t have to use Paste into as much. :3
I agree that this makes more sense, but I think that if this is to happen, there should be a way to readily maneuver a part within a model without affecting the rest of the model’s children parts. As it stands, it’s impossible to move a part within a model without moving the entire model, unless you use the move lassos, which can be restrictive. That is, at least to my knowledge. Please let me know if there is a way to do this. That would be cool.
But if there isn’t, I would see myself always moving the part out of the model, or just pasting into Workspace instead, so I’d actually be able to move the part freely, and then moving it back into the model when I’m satisfied with its position. This process would slow things down a bit and get frustrating.
I agree that this makes more sense, but I think that if this is to happen, there should be a way to readily maneuver a part within a model without affecting the rest of the model’s children parts. As it stands, it’s impossible to move a part within a model without moving the entire model, unless you use the move lassos, which can be restrictive. That is, at least to my knowledge. Please let me know if there is a way to do this. That would be cool.
But if there isn’t, I would see myself always moving the part out of the model, or just pasting into Workspace instead, so I’d actually be able to move the part freely, and then moving it back into the model when I’m satisfied with its position. This process would slow things down a bit and get frustrating.[/quote]
I’m not sure I understand what you’re asking for. Currently you can use the explorer to select a part and move it with the Move, Rotate, Scale tool. You can also use Alt-Left Click to select a part inside the 3d view and move it with the Move, Rotate, Scale tool. Are you asking about dragging a part that is inside another part without using the handles? There’s many different flavors of move inside of Studio.
Sorry for the ambiguity. Yes, I was talking about moving parts within models without using handles; just by dragging. As it is, trying to do that would drag the entire model.
I find that I normally move parts in this way because it’s quicker, unless I’m fine tuning the position or I’m doing rotation. It’s also nice, and often indispensable, that parts snap and rotate to other parts when you drag them instead of using the handles. Being able to do this without removing a part from its model would be a nice feature.
possibly a related bug: when pasting decals, you no longer get the place decal on face thing, and it places the decal directly in workspace or in the most recent part
This. This makes it impossible to build for me, as I primarily work with textures. And can we possibly have the old pasting system back as a different hotkey? My entire workflow. as well as my willpower to develop has pretty much been destroyed, and I’d rather jump ship and go back to using GameMaker, or some other program than have to deal with a more tedious way of doing things that were previously quicker (because of the way pasting worked- [strike]most notably the fact that parts no longer paste relative to other selected parts[/strike]nevermind seems to be working now, as well as this decal thing) on a program that’s supposed to make development easy, quick and fun.
[quote] When you select a part within a model and then copy and paste the part, the part produced stays within the model you copied the part from and doesn’t go into workspace where it should.
This has changed within the last 1 - 2 days and makes building things very inconvenient.
help? [/quote]
This is by design and follows the conventions of most other content editors out there. I regret that we taught our users an unconventional workflow and they will be going to other applications wondering why when they copy and paste, the copied item does not appear in the root of the tree. But if you think about it, this would be like copying a file, pasting, and it appearing in the root of your C:/ drive. We’ve fixed it so when you copy and paste, it appears in the same branch that the items were copied from.[/quote]
we had control+shift+v for that