Copy/Pasting animation keyframes in the Animation Editor pastes the wrong keyframes

When using the Animation Editor plugin, when a keyframe is copied and pasted, it only pastes the first keyframe you have copied, and not the one you had last copied. To fix it, the Animation Editor must be closed and re-opened, and the keyframe clipboard will be reset. However, I must close and re-open the Animation Editor every time I want to copy and paste a different keyframe. Similarly, the keyboard shortcuts for Cut,Copy,Paste, and Delete on keyframes no longer work.


  1. Open the Animation Editor on a rig, and make a keyframe.
  2. Copy that keyframe and paste it anywhere in the timeline.
  3. Make another new keyframe.
  4. Copy the new keyframe and paste it anywhere in the timeline. The keyframe that is pasted is only the first keyframe you copied, and not the second one.
  5. To fix it, close and open the Animation Editor to reset the clipboard.

Hi there, thanks for your report.

Unfortunately I have been unable to reproduce the issue.

Please see the video below. I first create a keyframe at frame 0, and I copy it at frame 3. I then create another keyframe at frame 6, that I copy at frame 9.

This is using Studio version 0.619.0.6190508, Win 64.

This is a very long shot, but… What if you try using the right click menu? Do copy and paste work from there?



Hi! I tested it further, and it happens after publishing an animation to Roblox. Here are the updated steps:

  1. Open the Animation Editor on a rig, and make a keyframe.
  2. Copy that keyframe and paste it anywhere in the timeline.
  3. Save the animation, and then publish the animation to Roblox.
  4. Create a new animation, copy a keyframe, and paste it in the timeline.
  5. The keyframe that is pasted is only the first keyframe you copied, and not the second one. Keyboard shortcuts no longer work.
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Thanks, we could reproduce the issue and will look into this.


This bug is still ongoing as of July 18th 2024. This is really troublesome for working on many animations at once as it requires constant closing and re-opening of the Animation Editor, which feels like I have to do regardless for several other minor issues that add up.