Copyright regarding music from memes

I’m creating a fun game about famous memes. However, there is a problem, most of the music cannot be downloaded in Roblox, or rather it can be downloaded if slowed down by 0.5, but it will be deleted when the game becomes more or less well-known. Actually, how can these compositions be uploaded safely (for example, the Dat Boi theme)? Is it possible to create a good version of an audio file using a certain neural network?


Copyright is copyright, you shouldn’t be finding loopholes to avoid it as it will eventually catch up to you & the audio will be removed and/or action will be taken against your account.


I have already mentioned that simply slowing down the sound is not an option. Probably the best way would be to use a certain artificial intelligence to create a cover with a similarity factor (80%) or to find something similar in mood, genre and rhythm, but without copyrights. Or maybe there are other solutions?

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