Recently (about a few hours ago) I’ve been getting a bunch of warnings from the CoreGui,
I was wondering if people are universally having the same issue or if I might have accidentally messed something up in some scripts. see screenshot below
You might have some scripts that are interfering with the Roblox Scripts. I had a problem before where my chat doesn’t work and the Roblox Scripts deleted PlayerGuis.
I fixed it by looking through every single script and found a line where I messed around with the chat, but not in the chat service.
If you’re talking about the infinite yield thing, look here.
What that essentially means is it’s been waiting for a while for the values it’s talking about. It usually comes when either the value it’s looking for is inexistent or has not appeared yet. I’m not sure what the full extent of your code is, but what it’s essentially saying is it hasn’t really found the values you used WaitForChild()
It’s not his script, it’s Roblox’s scripts.
My bad.
(30 charssssssssssssss)
Most of the time when this warning happens it means the ting isn’t even there. Did you delete stuff in the ReplicatedStorage in one of your scripts?
This is usually caused by scripts in Replicated First doing heavy operations which causes the client to load Core Gui dependencies longer than expected.
There seems to be no solution I can think of. I deleted every model and every script in the game to no avail. It still shows up even in an empty place.