Core - Roblox Plugin (for newbie devs)


Hello everyone!

I’ve been experimenting in making plugins recently and made this simple plugin.
This makes editing Roblox’s built-in Guis, Menus, and Settings faster and easier especially for novice developers like myself.

Side Note:
This is my very first Plugin that I ever distributed to the public and still have a lot of work to do to make it perfect. I am open for criticism and would gladly learn from your opinions.


–[Core Gui]–

-Disable Playerlist
-Disable Backpack
-Disable Health
-Disable Chat

-Disable Jump Button


The disable jump button menu doesn’t fully disable the button itself, it only makes it invisible to players. To fully make people unable to jump you can disable it by going to starterplayer and scrolling down to the Character Jump Settings and setting the Character Jump Power to 0.

-Disable Joystick

All devices
-Add System Message

–[Non-Core Gui Related]–
-Disable Reset Button
-Disable Shiftlock
-Custom Bubble Chat


The localscript of this menu is ripped from 0Techy Bubble Chat Customizer Plugin. ( All credits to him for making this possible.

Preview (OLD)


The installation process of this Plugin is really easy, all you have to do is open the link given above and press install!

Reply or Dm me on discord Pug#5453 if you have any suggestions or issues about the plugin!

The features of this plugin are still very limited as the plugin is still in testing phase, but I will make sure to add more things to it soon. Enjoy!


I think a cool addition to this would be a live view of the core GUI while the plugin is on, (which actually might make general UI design easier for everyone, since you could see where the icons are), where you could switch between pc and mobile.
Now, to accompany that, hovering over the piece of UI would give it an outline, except for the pause button (still have the button for UI design purposes). Why? Well, clicking on the UI elements could disable or enable them!
If that was the case, how would users tell if the UI is disabled or not? Have disabled UI be more transparent with a red tint.
I think that those changes would push this plugin from great, to really great!
Still, I think that this is a great plugin, and has much more use because of mobile UI modification support. I just find the UI to be, kinda ugly. But this is an easy install choice for me over the competition. Great work!

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Thanks for your feedback, I will try to make these changes for the plugin.

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You added core into roblox? Epic games would be amazed. :joy:


All Roblox Icons this should help


Epic games would’ve sued me if they find out lol. :joy:


i guess some features in it are cool so good job? but the GUI sucks that needs a big BIG remake


Yeah, I made the plugin in a very very short amount of time due to my clogged school work. But I’ll try to make the interface nicer to look at.

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Small Update!

The Ui is still kind of ugly but I changed some things on it.
I still do not have a lot of time to add major stuffs to the plugin but I’ll sure try to make the Plugin better.

New Ui (Still working on much cleaner version)

Now prints/notifies when a script or localscript is added

I am still busy finishing my school works but I might be active this coming weeks or months the school year is finished.


Oh that looks a LOT better! Good job! Honestly, I would be fine with making my idea of it myself and giving you the rbxm, would you?

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I mean sure that’s actually a great idea! I would be fine if you do that.

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Updated Plugin icon!

Click here for a full view of the plugin.





The installation process is easy, all you have to do is click install and you’re ready to go!

Please reply here if you have any issues with the plugin.

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I’ve started on the alternate ui idea

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oooh, that’s great! can’t wait to see what you’re up to.

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