All Roblox Icons

I don’t see too much use for this but it’ll save you from spending 5 minutes trying to locate the Roblox icons in file explorer.

I have put almost all of the icons that are in the latest Roblox version in a folder for you guys to use.

Roblox (2.2 MB)

All Icons

AButtonDark AButtonDark@2x AButtonLight AButtonLight@2x AButtonLightSmall Accept Accept@2x Accept@3x AcceptButton account_over13 account_under13 AddFriend AddFriend@2x AddFriend@3x AddFriendIcon AddFriendIcon@2x AdminIcon AdminIcon@2x AdminIcon@3x advCursor-default advCursor-white Alert Alert@2x Uploading: Animation.png… ArrowCollapsed ArrowCursor ArrowDownIconWhite ArrowExpanded ArrowFarCursor artAssets_DownArrow artAssets_DownArrow@2x artAssets_DownArrow@3x AvatarBackground AvatarBackground@2x

AvatarContextMenu_Arrow Backpack Backpack@2x Backpack_Close Backpack_Close@2x Backpack_Down Backpack_Down@2x Backpack_Open Backpack_Open@2x BarLeft BarLeft@2x BarRight BarRight@2x BButtonDark BButtonDark@2x BButtonLight BButtonLight@2x Block Block@2x Block@3x BlockedIcon Bottom BottomLeft BottomLeftSelected BottomRight BottomRightSelected BottomRoundedRect8px BottomSelected btn_grey btn_greyTransp btn_newBlue btn_newBlue@2x btn_newBlueGlow btn_newBlueGlow@2x btn_newGrey btn_newGrey@2x btn_newGreyGlow btn_newGreyGlow@2x btn_newWhite btn_newWhite@2x btn_newWhiteGlow btn_newWhiteGlow@2x btn_red btn_redGlow btn_white button_arrow button_arrow_down button_default button_hover button_pressed buttonBackground buttonHover ButtonLeft ButtonLeftDown ButtonRight ButtonRightDown cancelButton CharacterImageBackground chat Chat@2x chat_teamButton chat_teamButton@2x chatBubble_blue_notify_bkg chatBubble_bot_notifyGray_dotDotDot chatBubble_green_notify_bkg chatBubble_red_notify_bkg chatBubble_white_notify_bkg ChatDown ChatDown@2x ChatDownFlip ChatDownFlip@2x ChatFlip ChatFlip@2x chatOff chatOff@2x chatOff@3x chatOn chatOn@2x chatOn@3x checkbox_square circleWhite clb_robux_20 clb_robux_20@2x clb_robux_20@3x Clear (2) Clear Clear@2x Clear@3x ClearHover Close close@2x close@3x close_button_background close_button_icon close_button_selection CloseButton CloseButton_dn closeButtonPadded collapsibleArrowDown collapsibleArrowRight coloredlogo coloredlogo@2x coloredlogo@3x copy DarkThemeLoadingCircle delete close_button developer developer@2x developer@3x dialog_blue dialog_blue@2x dialog_green dialog_green@2x dialog_purpose_help dialog_purpose_quest dialog_purpose_shop dialog_red dialog_red@2x dialog_tail dialog_tail@2x dialog_white dialog_white@2x DownArrowButtonOpen17 dropdown_arrow dropdown_arrow@2x dropshadow dropshadow@2x EdgesSquare17x1 edit EmotesIcon EmotesIcon@2x EmotesIcon@3x emotesOff emotesOff@2x emotesOff@3x emotesOn emotesOn@2x emotesOn@3x EmotesRadialIcon EmotesRadialIcon@2x EmotesRadialIcon@3x EmptyBottom EmptyBottomLeft EmptyBottomRight EmptyTop EmptyTopLeft EmptyTopRight EndorsedBadge Error ErrorIcon ErrorIcon@2x ErrorIcon@3x ErrorIcon2 ErrorIconSmall EscapeIcon ExpandArrowSheet explorer FollowingIcon FollowingIcon@2x FollowingIcon@3x FriendIcon (2) FriendIcon FriendIcon@2x (2) FriendIcon@2x FriendIcon@3x friendsIcon GameSettingsTab GameSettingsTab@2x Gear Gear_dn GenericController grid2 grid4 GuiImagePlaceholder hamburger HealthBar HealthBarBase HealthBarBaseTV HealthBarTV Health-BKG-Center Health-BKG-Center@2x Health-BKG-Left-Cap Health-BKG-Left-Cap@2x Health-BKG-Right-Cap Health-BKG-Right-Cap@2x HelpTab HelpTab@2x homeButton homeButton@2x HomeTab HomeTab@2x icon_admin-16 icon_BC-16 icon_flatten_both icon_flatten_erode icon_flatten_grow icon_follower-16 icon_following-16 icon_friendrequestrecieved-16 Uploading: icon_friendrequestsent_16.png… icon_friends_16 icon_intern-16 icon_localization-16 icon_mutualfollowing-16 icon_OBC-16 icon_picker_disable icon_picker_disable_dark icon_picker_enable LZlNhb0 icon_premium-16 icon_regions_copy icon_regions_delete icon_regions_fill icon_regions_move icon_regions_paste icon_regions_resize icon_regions_rotate icon_regions_select icon_ROBUX icon_ROBUX@2x icon_shape_cube icon_shape_cylinder icon_shape_sphere 0ZWkTHB Icon_Stream_Off Icon_Stream_Off@2x Icon_Stream_Off@3x icon_TBC-16 icon_terrain_big icon_tick icon_tick_grey iconBase iconBase@2x iconBase@3x import_delete import_edit import_select_image import_selectImg_dark import_toggleOff import_toggleOff_dark import_toggleOn import_toggleOn_dark Info inventoryOff inventoryOff@2x inventoryOff@3x inventoryOn Uploading: inventoryOn@2x.png… inventoryOn@3x key_selection_9slice leaderboardOff leaderboardOff@2x Uploading: leaderboardOff@3x.png… leaderboardOn leaderboardOn@2x leaderboardOn@3x Leave Leave@2x LeaveIcon Left Left@2x Less LightThemeLoadingCircle LoadingBKG loadingCircle loadingvignette locked Maximize Menu Menu@2x meshPartFallback MessageCounter MessageCounter@2x mic_icon Modal ModeratedAsset More moreOff moreOff@2x moreOff@3x moreOn moreOn@2x moreOn@3x Uploading: Motor.png… mouseLock_off Uploading: mouseLock_off@2x.png… mouseLock_on mouseLock_on@2x MouseLockedCursor move mt_add mt_convert_part mt_erode mt_flatten mt_generate mt_grow mt_paint mt_regions mt_replace mt_sea_level mt_smooth mt_subtract mt_terrain_clear mt_terrain_import mtrl_air mtrl_asphalt mtrl_basalt mtrl_brick mtrl_cobblestone mtrl_concrete mtrl_crackedlava mtrl_glacier mtrl_grass mtrl_ground mtrl_ice mtrl_leafygrass mtrl_limestone mtrl_mud mtrl_pavement mtrl_rock mtrl_salt mtrl_sand mtrl_sandstone mtrl_slate mtrl_snow mtrl_water mtrl_woodplanks NewAvatarBackground NewAvatarBackground@2x newBkg_square newBkg_square@2x NewFollowing NewFollowing@2x NewFollowing@3x meshPartFallback NotificationOff NotificationOff@2x NotificationOff@3x NotificationOn NotificationOn@2x NotificationOn@3x notifications OwnerIcon OwnerIcon@2x OwnerIcon@3x placeholder_video Plastic Uploading: PlayerList.png… PlayerList@2x playernumber_strokeStyle playernumber_strokeStyle@2x playernumber_strokeStyle@3x PlayersTabIcon PlayersTabIcon@2x Pointer Pointer@2x PointerOver PointerOver@2x Premium PremiumIcon PremiumIcon@2x PremiumIcon@3x ProductOwned progress_bar RadialLabel RadialLabel@2x radio_button_bullet radio_button_bullet_dark radio_button_frame radio_button_frame_dark RecordDown RecordTab RecordTab@2x Report Report@2x Report@3x ReportAbuseTab ReportAbuseTab@2x ReportFlagIcon ReportFlagIcon@2x ResetIcon Right Right@2x RobloxNameIcon robloxTilt 30547892 robux robux@2x robux@3x robux_color robux_color@2x robux_color@3x robux_small robux_small@2x robux_small@3x RobuxIcon RotateCameraGesture Round RoundedBackground RoundedBorder RoundedRect8px scrollbar ScrollBarBottom ScrollBarMiddle ScrollBarTop scroll-bottom scroll-bottom@2x scrollbuttonDown scrollbuttonDown_dn scrollbuttonDown_ds scrollbuttonDown_dn scrollbuttonUp scrollbuttonUp_dn scrollbuttonUp_ds scrollbuttonUp_dn ScrollDownArrow scroll-middle scroll-middle@2x scroll-top scroll-top@2x ScrollUpArrow Search SearchIcon SearchOptions SelectedBarLeft SelectedBarLeft@2x SelectedBarRight SelectedBarRight@2x SelectionBox SelectionBox@2x SelectOn SelectOn@2x SelectOn@3x SingleButton SingleButtonDown Slider Slider_dn Uploading: slider_new_tab.png… slider_new_tab@2x Slider_dn sliderbar_blue sliderbar_button sliderbar_grey Slider-BKG-Center Slider-BKG-Center@2x Slider-BKG-Left-Cap Slider-BKG-Left-Cap@2x Slider-BKG-Right-Cap Slider-BKG-Right-Cap@2x Slider-Fill-Center Slider-Fill-Center@2x Slider-Fill-Left-Cap Slider-Fill-Left-Cap@2x Slider-Fill-Right-Cap Slider-Fill-Right-Cap@2x StarIcon StarIcon@2x StarIcon@3x thumb_strokeStyle thumb_strokeStyle@2x thumb_strokeStyle@3x TileShadowMissingTop TixIcon toggle2D ToggleChat ToggleChat@2x ToggleChatDown ToggleChatDown@2x ToggleChatDownFlip ToggleChatDownFlip@2x ToggleChatFlip ToggleChatFlip@2x ToolbarIcon ToolboxIcon Top TopLeft TopLeftSelected TopRight TopRightSelected TopRoundedRect8px TopSelected traildot UnFriend UnFriend@2x UnFriend@3x unlocked UpArrowButtonOpen17 UseToolGesture ViewAvatar ViewAvatar@2x ViewAvatar@3x vr_active vr_idle VRChatBackground VRPointerDiscBlue VRPointerDiscRed Warning WarningIcon waypoint WhiteOverlayAsset XboxController XButtonDark XButtonDark@2x XButtonLight XButtonLight@2x YButtonDark YButtonDark@2x YButtonLight YButtonLight@2x zoom ZoomGesture

For more images and assets, you can use CloneTrooper1019’s Roblox Client Tracker


I feel like the rbxasset icons are highly underrated. Not only are they good for UI, they are also good for marketing. Due to the fact that a lot of people don’t know about these icons, they go unused in a lot of UIs. A fluent UI is a UI that uses UI similar to something else. Fluent Roblox UI could be using this.


Do *you know of a way to find all the icons for Roblox Studio? I was trying to find the logo in file explorer but so far I haven’t had any luck.

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Thank you! I actually needed those Developer Console icons for this new project I’m working on.


I’ve recently been looking into experimenting with UIs more often and these icons are really going to come in handy! Thanks for keeping it consolidated and easy to access :slight_smile:

CC @cakefaceO3

Someone graciously directed me to a 512x512 version of it near the time it was released:

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@StrongBigeMan9 @cakefaceO3 Here are some high resolution Studio Logos. There are two versions. One with and one without a gradient. :+1:


@StrongBigeMan9 @Crazedbrick1
Thank you for these, I was attempting to find them in the file explorer since I still have an un-updated version of Roblox Studio on another computer of mine and was wanting to save the logo.
These are all still really cool though! Thank you!


We’ll Be Right Back

Anyway, thanks! Ima patch the updater and edit the logos.


Personally I think it would be a better idea to use roblox client tracker: GitHub - MaximumADHD/Roblox-Client-Tracker: An automated repository that extracts and displays information about the current version of Roblox. Most of the information is miscellaneous, but it provides insight to changes that are being made with each weekly release.

It is more organised. And It even has internal, normally unaccusable images as well.


Thank you so much for these! I really needed them to save myself the trouble of trying to replicate them.

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Nice resource! Oh and also one question, Does it has the VR mode icon in the pack?

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There’s zero point for this and not all the icons are here since they failed to upload. You can go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Roblox\versions[insert latest version for you here]\content.

You can extract a 256x256 version of the icon with Nirsofts iconext tool (point it to C:\Program Files (x86)\Roblox\RobloxStudioLauncherBeta.exe).

All I was doing was making it easier for people to get them. I’m sorry that I was unable to include all of them, some failed to upload.

No I don’t think it does. It does contain VR related icons though.

(post deleted by author)

Does anyone know what font roblox uses?

There is a folder named “Font” in the roblox files

in-game, they use Gotham for most cases