Core UI + Scripts Not Properly Loading On Local Server Test

When using play solo, everything loads as expected. However, whne using local server test with any amount of players, Core UI doesn’t load properly, which causes some place files to fail loading completely.

Errors in 1 player test on a local baseplate:
X62vFB.txt (2.0 KB)

Errors in 2 player test on a full game: (There’s no kick message in logs, just a disconnect. It isnt indicated in logs but Core UI still fails to load here.)

Disconnect from|54255

Expected behavior

Core UI should load correctly and I should be able to test my games just like in solo test.

Studio version:

System info:

image image

Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when there’s any update on the issue.

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Sorry about the lag in responding. If this is still occurring (might have been a temporary glitch) can you send logs from both the client and server? (Can DM them to me). Thanks!

Weirdly enough doesnt seem to be happening anymore

Ok, thanks. Might have been a bad rollout of the core scripts that was later reverted.

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