CoreGui Avatar Editor's confirmation prompt errors and gets stuck

When saving changes to your avatar using the in-game avatar editor, the prompt fails to load the left box and errors after a few seconds, which causes pressing either Cancel or Ok to get the prompt stuck. The bug also does not occur if you click one of the buttons before it errors.

What it looks like:

The error in question:

Another error following the previous one:

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open the in-game avatar editor (can be done in this game)
    1.5. If doing it in the above game, join with R15 enabled and without any gear equipped or else the game errors
  2. Make any changes to your avatar and close the editor
  3. Wait for the confirmation prompt’s left box to finish flashing and click either button

Video of the bug:

(mirror in case it doesn’t play)


Thanks for your report, this should be fixed now.


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