CoreGui failing in a local test server due to clients being "guests"

This function should just return an empty array for “guests” instead of me having to write a workaround into my code.

 22:29:49.118 - CoreGui.RobloxGui.CoreScripts/BlockPlayerPrompt:163: GetBlockedUserIds can not be called for guests!
 22:29:49.118 - Stack Begin
 22:29:49.119 - Script 'CoreGui.RobloxGui.CoreScripts/BlockPlayerPrompt', Line 163
 22:29:49.119 - Stack End
 22:29:49.120 - GetCore: Unexpected error while invoking callback: CoreGui.RobloxGui.CoreScripts/BlockPlayerPrompt:163: GetBlockedUserIds can not be called for guests!
 22:29:49.120 - Stack Begin
 22:29:49.120 - Script 'Players.Player2.PlayerGui.Design.PlotSettings.LocalScript', Line 55 - global CreatePermissions
 22:29:49.120 - Script 'Players.Player2.PlayerGui.Design.PlotSettings.LocalScript', Line 105
22:29:49.121 - Stack End

These are in reference to this specific line if you want to repro:
local Blocked = game.StarterGui:GetCore("GetBlockedUserIds")

Use it in a local script obviously then start a local test server


Excellent insight


It would be interesting to see how Roblox fixes this. Is there ever a scenario besides studio test servers in which the player’s userid will be negative?