I recently joined our game called Czech Homeless Simulator (which is now currently under review) and I saw error below, I don’t know if this is the reason why is game under review of if this happend when game have been moved to under review status.
Full error (local-side):
CorePackages.Workspace.Packages._Workspace.MessageBus.MessageBus.MessageBus:243: unsubscribing from a message id not subscribed to: PermissionsProtocol.HasPermissions.Response
Script 'CorePackages.Workspace.Packages._Workspace.MessageBus.MessageBus.MessageBus', Line 243 - function unsubscribeWithMsgId
Script 'CorePackages.Workspace.Packages._Workspace.MessageBus.MessageBus.MessageBus', Line 200 - function unsubscribeToProtocolMethodResponse
Script 'CorePackages.Workspace.Packages._Workspace.PermissionsProtocol.PermissionsProtocol.PermissionsProtocol', Line 166
Expected behavior
I’m not sure what happend, I just joined game. Maybe the issue is, that the game is for now under review, however maybe this is the reason why our game have been moved to this status under review.
I mentioning that in this bug report, because we are not sure what happend. In private message I’m adding my Roblox version and system information.
Core Scripts/Packages cannot be deleted by developers? If you could, you would see games which prevent the Escape menu from being opened. This looks like a bug with Roblox’s code.
Core Packages/Core Scripts cannot be overridden or directly controlled by the Developer. The reason the Chat filter can be tampered with and disabled when not using TextChatService, is that the Legacy Chat is part of the Player Scripts, which can intentionally be modified and “forked”. These are usually for benign systems, such as controlling the Camera or Character.
Ooh spooky hacker with a vulnerability to delete CoreScripts/CoreModules! Instances inside CorePackages can only be modified if you somehow had a vulnerability to elevate your identity and gain RobloxScript capabilities. And if you did have one, deleting modules inside CorePackages will be the least of your goals, you would also have the ability to run malware in the machine of any player that joins your game.