[CoreScripts] VoiceChatServiceManager Settings Failed to Init ?!?!?

I’m assuming this is a scary voice chat testing error or something?


I’ve gotten it too in all my games, I also made a new baseplate to see if it appears there and it does, I don’t know why it is happening though.


I also just got this error. Maybe they are testing the voice chat update.


Yea, it probably is, I wonder if there is a way to disable VoiceChatManager for now though.

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I personally wouldn’t worry about it. It shouldn’t mess with anything. We will just have to sit through the errors until they finish whatever they are doing.


I was near to make a post with the same thing, it happend to me now, I was scared for starting with “VoiceChat” but I don’t know nothing about it so I will put Roblox Mic permission in off while we don’t get more information about that.


I think it’s got to do with a planned voice chat update.

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The CoreScripts were just added in but it doesn’t seem like there is actual support for it, hence the Player initialize errors.

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I’m getting this error as well. A wild guess I’d make is that it might have something to do with Roblox’s recent acquisition of Guilded and that they’re putting it to work. :thinking:

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