Coroutine problems

Hi, I want to make a system where you can cancel a function while it’s running. So I call the function in a coroutine, but I also want to check if it errors, so I need to check when it stops running, and be able to determine whether it errored or just finished. But if I use coroutines, that defeats the whole purposes of yielding for it to stop. I just want to include the functionality of coroutine.close, not the asynchronous part.

Here’s my question: Is there any way to check when a coroutine stops, or errors, and yield for it to finish at the same time?

Inside this coroutine, there’s a loop that continues executing tasks until the closeSignal is set to true . The CLOSE section initializes a closeSignal to false , creates a coroutine handle, and starts the coroutine. After simulating work with wait(1) , the closeSignal is set to true , signaling the coroutine to close. It then checks the status and result of the coroutine, printing a message based on whether it completed successfully or encountered an error.

-- Define a coroutine function
function myCoroutine(closeSignal)
    local success, result

    -- Use pcall to catch errors
    success, result = pcall(function()
        while not closeSignal do

            -- Simulate some work

        -- If everything is fine, set success to true
        success = true

    -- Return success and result
    return success, result

local closeSignal = false  -- Signal to indicate when to close the coroutine
local coroutineHandle = coroutine.create(function()

-- Start the coroutine

-- Simulate some work

-- Set the closeSignal to true to stop the coroutine
closeSignal = true

-- Check the status and result
local success, result = coroutine.resume(coroutineHandle)

-- Print the result based on success or failure
if success then
    print("Coroutine completed successfully:", result)
    print("Coroutine encountered an error:", result)

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I already found a solution to my problem, forgot to mark this, but I’ll mark yours as the solution for now.

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