Coroutine support for debug.traceback

Normally, Lua would support this, but it seems ROBLOX removed support for it. Having coroutine support for debug.traceback is useful for debugging, especially in ‘multi-threaded’ situations. For example:

local c = coroutine.create(function()

local succ, err = coroutine.resume(c)
print(succ, err)

Unfortunately, in ROBLOX, this does not work correctly and does not produce the correct stack trace.

Compare what the standalone Lua interpreter gives to what ROBLOX gives:

> print(succ, err)
false   stdin:2: test
> print(debug.traceback(c))
stack traceback:
        [C]: in function 'error'
        stdin:2: in function <stdin:1>
false <<code>>:2: test
Script '<<code>>', Line 7
Stack End

As you can tell, the stack traceback is occuring from where debug.traceback() was called; not where the coroutine errored which is where it would be useful.

The only way to achieve a similar effect right now is to use xpcall, which unfortunately does not support yielding and so makes it a lot harder to debug.


I know this hasn’t been explicitly said for this category, but there are subforums here for a reason. Place them in there.

That said, I support this.