I’ve been trying to make a little gui easter egg with some snow particles. I created a basic frame and a loop which tweens its transparency and position to the bottom
However after a few seconds of running and the coroutines that were supposed to change a certain particle’s transparency to 1 before deleting it are changing newly made particles’ transparencies.
Here’s a simplified version of the loop
while true do
local snowp = particle:Clone()
--assume particle has a set random position
--tween vars do what their names say
local co = coroutine.create(function()
--this tween seems to be flooding into the following loops and
--affecting future particle clones for some reason
I tried to use the delay parameter in TweenInfo, and also just tried wait a few seconds after the initial 2 tweens have played and then play disappeartween, but it still leaks in following loops.
Are there any suggestions? I’m honestly just stuck and don’t know what to do. Not incorporating that tween works out ok, but it would be nice if I could actually make it work